


Wallpaper Engine on Steam

Use the Steam Workshop to share and download wallpapers for free. Wallpaper Engine can be used at the same time as any other Steam game or application. Supported video formats: mp4, WebM, avi, m4v, mov, wmv (for local files, Workshop only allows mp4). Use the free Android companion app to take your favorite scene and video wallpapers on the go.


破財消災,漢語詞彙,拼音po cai xiao zai,也稱破財擋災,民間俗語,意思為拿錢財去消除災難。當人們遇到金錢或物質上的損失時,往往就會用"破財消災"這句話來安慰自己的心靈。在風水學上也有其深刻意味。

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